Sage X3 Ideas Portal

Run (Financial) Accounting Task (Task code: ACCBATCH1) in real-time rather than maximum 1 minute at a time in a scheduled batch call.

Hi Sage,

This refers to Sage X3 v11+ onwards for clients coming in from Sage X3 pu9 and below.

I have a client complaint that the new Sage X3 v12 immediately affects the financial workflow as they have a time-sensitive schedule of immediate after any financial entries in a 24/7 manufacturing environment for international works.

The client's manager could not wait a minute for (Financial) Accounting Task to process the queued Journal on hold, targeting for full-on automation rather than manual human entry (which could make mistake which needs to wait for the journal to be processed) in the future.

From my experience, in Sage X3 v11+, (Financial) Accounting Task (VALPCE) now is a recurring task (task code: ACCBATCH1).

The minimum time interval I can set in Recurring Task Management (GESABA) is 1 minute.

Is it possible to provide an option to set the (Financial) Accounting Task clearing to real-time?

  • Chun Heng Lee
  • May 30 2024
  • Being reviewed
  • Attach files
  • RICHARD AMOAH commented
    29 Oct, 2024 03:42pm

    Generally, SAGE needs real time transaction effect to make the system more efficient.

  • RICHARD AMOAH commented
    30 May, 2024 02:55pm

    SAGE does not have real-time effect which needs to be considered since it is cloud based and all entries are done online. It will really help but that is not the case, only in the early stages like unprocessed purchase request where a product description is modified that the changes have a real-time effect