Sage X3 Ideas Portal

Special Licensing During Project Implementation Period

Currently the way that licensing works is that you have the developer badge that you can assign to a role which in part limits update rights to the features under the Development menu to one user.  For most organizations once they are live on the system this does not present a problem because the administration is usually centrally managed, but during the project implementation period you will have multiple consultants all working in the system performing setups and modifications.  Logistically it is very impractical to only have access to the Development menu limited to one user during implementation because it makes coordination very difficult and slows down the project.  I would like for Sage to consider to distribute the product with temporary licenses that provide access to the Development menu that could be used by the project implementation team, once the customer is live on x3 then the licenses could be deactivated. 

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  • Dec 7 2016
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