Sage X3 Ideas Portal

Extend the length of the Product Description field (ITM0 screen)

We would like the field to be longer than 30 characters as this is almost unworkable when trying to move customers from any product to X3. If you check other Sage products, I’m sure they also have description fields that are longer than 30 characters. The main problem is that the field now truncates, which it didn’t do previously. So, over half of the description is lost. Previously on X3, the description would go into the field and, whilst all the description was not displayed on the screen, you could click in the field and see all of it. We would like the length of the field to be increased to be more in line with other ERP products and the truncation to be changed as it doesn’t work in this context.

  • Guest
  • Sep 16 2016
  • Planned
  • Dec 22, 2023

    Admin response

    Planned in 2024 R2 for DES and AXX data types in general

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  • RICHARD AMOAH commented
    31 Jan 10:18

    Am in charged of product and service registration of SAGE ERP X3. I noticed that the product description fields are limited and to make up for the remaining information, the Note function can be used to add more details by the requester.

    1. This function is found in the action button located at the Purchase Request page or Purchase Order Page.

    2. Click on the New button on the right of the Note function page and at the bottom, enter the details or information required and then save it.

    3. Note that the Note function can only be used after saving the purchase request The additional information added using the Note function will be shown as part of the product description on the printout.

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