Sage X3 Ideas Portal

Allow a user to unlock themselves from a screen

Currently we have times that a user is disconnected from Sage unexpectantly and then it causes their session to have locked whatever screen they were on. when they go back to that screen, it tells them it is locked and provides their user id as the one locking it. It would be nice if the popup on the lock message had the ability to unlock the session (yes/No) if it was locked by the same person viewing the popup.  this would prevent a whole lot of help tickets and waiting ....

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2023
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 03, 2024 15:48

    Great idea! This would be a big time and efficiency improvement for us as well. We get several tickets a day to unlock users from screens.

  • RICHARD AMOAH commented
    January 31, 2024 09:16


    The cause of unexpected disconnection that further cause lock page can be due to the following;

    1. Poor internet

    2. Wrong choice of browser

    3. Wrong login Web address

    You might want to check these first to make stop the disconnection issue

    1. Then the issue with the locked page can be solved by clicking on the navigation menu and selecting administration on the left and scroll down to session information under usage.

    2. Under web client, click on the drop down arrow to reveal all the sessions in SAGE X3

    3. click on the action button(3 dots)on the left next to the locked session by checking the date and time corresponding to the disconnection and choose disconnect to unlock and close the locked page.

    4. Go back and re-open the page for editing or access without lock. Hope this help

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