Sage X3 Ideas Portal

Group processing with time specifications and frequencies (or expansion of the fixed times)

Dear all,

The Problem:

We have encountered issues with batch jobs (recurring task codes) that are scheduled to run every two hours. These batch jobs are crucial for generating and calculating work orders. Due to the limitation of having only three available time slots, we implemented four recurring task codes. This has led to a significant risk when these task codes run simultaneously, producing incorrect data that adversely affect delivery and invoicing, leading to inaccuracies in the finance module.

To the best of our knowledge, once a group is assigned to a task code, it is not possible to define a time range with frequencies.


To minimize the risk of overlapping recurring task codes, we propose changing this logic to allow the definition of time ranges with frequencies, even when a group is linked to a recurring task code. This change would ensure that only one recurring task code is necessary, thereby reducing the likelihood of overlapping tasks. Although this does not directly address the root cause of the problem, it would significantly mitigate potential damage.

We believe there would be a substantial overall benefit if we could run a recurring task code associated with a group multiple times throughout the day.

Yours sincerely,

Ramin Moghaddami Elvadata AG

  • Guest
  • Jan 30 2024
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  • Ramy Ben Marzouk commented
    30 Jan, 2024 03:53pm

    SMART idea! I'm in!