Sage X3 Ideas Portal

Expose the passwordUpdated information from Syracuse's "users" collection

Aside the discussion about preferring external authentication (LDAP, OAuth2, ...) for Syracuse users, some local "BD" accounts still have to exists to nevertheless allow connecting the system even with that external system is not available (services account to monitor/submit requests, administrate the system, give temporary access to an auditor which is not know in the central users directory, ...).

Such "BD" accounts may have an expiration in place thru password policies (available in Syracuse), for any reason (eg. CyberSecurity requirement).

Currently, there's no direct possibility to either know when the password was changed for the last time, nor when he will be expired. The former is nevertheless present, for such "BD" users with password said not to expiren, in Syracuse's MongoDB as "passwordUpdated" of "users" collection ... but not exposed to Syracuse. The lone feedback user can have is at login time, when password renewal is asked du to expiration.

Idea would be at least to expose the existing passwordUpdated information thru Sycause's users' collection, to allow collect the information with a REST call.

In addition, from UX point of view, it may also be interesting to see directly this information in related UI's users' list when applicable for an account (or the dynamic computation passwordUpdated + nb days before expiration of passwordPolicies = expiration time).

Posted here as suggested by Helpdesk following support ticket 48500672

  • Nicolas DUFAILLY
  • Dec 30 2024
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