Sage X3 Ideas Portal

Allow changing of price an discounts on purchase receipts

Currently, it's possible to edit prices and discounts on a direct purchase receipt (not linked to a purchase order). However, when a receipt is tied to a PO, these fields become read-only.

In certain business models, purchase order prices are non-binding; the actual price is determined by the applicable price list at the time of shipment. While it's possible to adjust the price during the invoicing stage, this delay creates significant challenges. Stock valuations remain inaccurate until the invoice is processed, resulting in incorrect sales margins. Moreover, this adds unnecessary administrative overhead, as corrections are needed for information already available in the system, this issue could be avoided with proper functionality upfront.

Adding a parameter to control this behaviour would solve this issue, allowing the user to edit the values in the purchase receipt.

  • Guest
  • Nov 28 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    28 Nov 04:38pm

    Adding to this, another welcome addition would be if the user had an action/button to update the prices on the receipt based on the current supplier price list.